Last updated Nov. 18, 2019



The information provided by Nomads Group LLC doing business as Coaching Fuel (“we,” “us” or “our”) on https://coachingfuel.com (the “Site”) is for general informational purposes only. All information on the Site is provided in good faith, however we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information on the Site. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHALL WE HAVE ANY LIABILITY TO YOU FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ANY KIND INCURRED AS A RESULT OF THE USE OF THE SITE OR RELIANCE ON ANY INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THE SITE. YOUR USE OF THE SITE AND YOUR RELIANCE ON ANY INFORMATION ON THE SITE IS SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK.




The Site may contain (or you may be sent through the Site) links to other websites or content belonging to or originating from third parties or links to websites and features in banners or other advertising. Such external links are not investigated, monitored, or checked for accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness by us. WE DO NOT WARRANT, ENDORSE, GUARANTEE, OR ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY OR RELIABILITY OF ANY INFORMATION OFFERED BY THIRD-PARTY WEBSITES LINKED THROUGH THE SITE OR ANY WEBSITE OR FEATURE LINKED IN ANY BANNER OR OTHER ADVERTISING. WE WILL NOT BE A PARTY TO OR IN ANY WAY BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MONITORING ANY TRANSACTION BETWEEN YOU AND THIRD-PARTY PROVIDERS OF PRODUCTS OR SERVICES.




The Site cannot and does not contain legal advice or council. The business and marketing information is provided for general informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. Accordingly, before taking any actions based upon such information, we encourage you to consult with the appropriate professionals. We do not provide any kind of legal advice or council. The information we provide is educational in nature. THE USE OR RELIANCE OF ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED ON THIS SITE IS SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK.



The Site may contain testimonials by users of our products and/or services. These testimonials reflect the real-life experiences and opinions of such users. However, the experiences are personal to those particular users, and may not necessarily be representative of all users of our products and/or services. We do not claim, and you should not assume, that all users will have the same experiences. YOUR INDIVIDUAL RESULTS MAY VARY. 

The testimonials on the Site are submitted in various forms such as text, audio and/or video, and are reviewed by us before being posted. They appear on the Site verbatim as given by the users, except for the correction of grammar or typing errors. Some testimonials may have been shortened for the sake of brevity where the full testimonial contained extraneous information not relevant to the general public.


The views and opinions contained in the testimonials belong solely to the individual user and do not reflect our views and opinions. We are not affiliated with users who provide testimonials, and users are not paid or otherwise compensated for their testimonials.


We want to be very clear on something: Nothing presented here, or anywhere else on this website, should be considered a “get rich” program. A real career is built upon a foundation of hard work and sacrifice where you continually add value to your audience. Profit is and will always be the applause of service to your audience. Coaching Fuel is meant to teach you the processes and systems that have been used to build successful careers – processes learned through more than 20 years of combined experience of both failure and success. If your expectation is to become an overnight success by flipping a switch, Coaching Fuel isn’t for you. But, if you’re ready and willing to put in the effort required to become a success, then let’s get moving.

Nothing on this page should be construed as making a promise or guarantee of success, future earnings, or results. And just because past Coaching Fuel clients have found success doesn’t mean you will. At the end of the day, your success is your responsibility. We can only share what has worked for us and other clients, and those results may not be typical because those in Coaching Fuel are committed to putting in the work that a typical person won’t.

If you partner with Coaching Fuel, you’re making an investment in yourself, and just like with any investment, it carries the potential for reward, as well as the risk of loss. Whether you experience reward or loss is ultimately up to you. Your own decisions and level of commitment will determine your success. Consequently, we cannot, do not, and will not make any guarantee that you will be successful after partnering with Coaching Fuel. We will provide as much support and guidance as we can, but at the end of the day, your success is entirely up to you, and you alone. If you’re not willing to put in the work, nothing we could do or give you will help you succeed.

Consequently, by partnering with Coaching Fuel, you agree to not hold us liable for your decisions, actions, or results, at any time, or under any circumstance.

Sound good? Great. Now let’s get to work and build something amazing.