
If I signed on 30 new high-ticket clients this week, my time wouldn’t be impacted.

I have passive selling systems in place that sell prospects without my direct involvement.

My program coaching structure allows me to enroll new high-ticket clients every week.

If I wanted to completely disconnect for two weeks, my lead flow wouldn’t be impacted.

I am able to regularly sell my high-ticket coaching offer to dozens of prospects at the same time.

I have passive systems to reach 1,000s of new prospects every week who have never heard of me before.

I’ve got more than enough leads to hit my monthly income goal and grow month-over-month.

If I signed on 30 new high-ticket clients this week, I could serve them effectively.

I’m able to sell my high-ticket coaching offer continuously without relying on a launch.

Big Blocker - Capture, Close, Coach

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